Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Hundred Things....

 A collection of lists.  Take the challenge. 100 things about yourself. Streaming flow of consciousness, as personal or as general as you care to make it...but make it count. You might learn something about yourself and I promise it's better than 20 questions!


1. I'm 6'1" and 235lbs.

2. I have brown hair and hazel eyes.

3. I'm bald on top of m'head.

4. I've a goatee. Prior to that, I had a beard. Facial hair makes up for a lack in other places.

5. I finished college through a master's program in four years. (College social-life is for morons)

6. My favorite food is anything ethnic/regional. What passes for 'American cuisine' ought to be banned.

7. I live in Portland, Oregon -- according to the Food Channel, it's the Foodie Capital of America. I agree.

8. Women with tattoos tend to scare me.

9. I'm 56 years old. (Hill? What hill? I don't remember one. I don't *feel* old. When did *this* happen?)

10. I used to do an Ambient/Space/New Age radio-show here. Every now and then someone remembers me....

11. My favorite music is Ambient/Space/New Age, followed by classical, then classic-rock.

12. It was my privilege to jam with Pat DiNizio of The Smithereens. He's a kind, gracious man, as well as a solid musician.

13. I saw the last Buffalo Springfield concert in 1968.

14. Neil Young is the closest thing to a 'god' I recognize.

15. I'm an atheist. Not an agnostic; not an insipid "I don't know" moron - I'm an atheist. Period.

16. I'm also a Progressive/Liberal with Libertarian tendencies.

17. I believe Fundamentalism of all stripes is a bane.

18. I believe religion is humanity's greatest scourge.

19. I was one of Yahoo/360's 'featured bloggers'. I still don't know how that happened....

20. I've never puked in public.

21. My favorite colors are Roman Red and French Blue.

22. My favorite booze is Appleton 21-year limited-reserve rum.

23. I've not only smoked pot; I've drunk bong-water.

24. I detest reality TV. American Idol is for morons. The rest of it is akin to watching the security cam in a day-care.

25. My IQ is 186 - or so I was told, the last time I took a real test (the online stuff doesn't count, by the way).

26. I've restored five automobiles in my life - a '62 Thunderbird; a '55 Thunderbird; a '63 Lincoln convertible; a '60 Land Rover, and a '56 Packard Caribbean. I'm done now. If I never own another car again, I'm happy. Right now, I drive a pickup.

27. I'm inordinately fond of silk Hawai'ian shirts, shorts and flip-flops.

28. I collect antique military firearms. I will not, however, join the NRA. They're cocksuckers.

29. Ernest Hemingway is my all-time favorite author, followed by Hunter Thompson.

30. I say "fuck"; "fuckery"; "cocksucker"; and "moron" a lot.

31. I think Wal-Mart constitutes a crime-against-humanity.

32. I think the Pope ought to be tried for crimes against humanity, and the Vatican shut down.

33. Right now, I'm wearing a hoodie and shorts and listening to Gyorgi Ligeti.

34. I'm allergic to walnuts.

35. I think the only use for Stockhausen's music is to torture people.

36. I'm a member of the IPMS (International Plastic Modelers' Association); I build hyperrealistic ships; most are radio-controlled.

37. I have a private-pilot's license.

38. I almost went in with a friend to purchase a MiG-15.

39. I was an extra in the Turner film, "Gettysburg".

40. I used to be a Civil War reenactor.

41. I hold a master gardener's certificate.

42. I spent two weeks in Pompeii, taking photographs. I wound up with most of a tour-group following me, because I knew more than their guide. (Note: Never take one of those insipid fartknocker-tours. The guides know squat.)

43. I helped build a working guillotine for a high-school project. Alarmingly; I don't know where it is now.

44. I collect vintage shortwave radios.

45. I'm single.

46. Apart from photos I've taken while traveling, every piece of art I own is abstract.

47. I built most of my own furniture.

48. I've never set foot in a McDonalds.

49. My master's is in history.

50. I'm a fairly accomplished cook (I'm good at Italian; French; Moroccan; east Indian; Thai; Greek and Mexican)

51. My all-time favorite film is "Casablanca". #2: Silence of the Lambs. #3: Seven Days In May #4: Fail-Safe.

52. I owned a home-remodeling business before the economy and construction industry collapsed and I had to sell it. It was a good experience.

53. I'm currently a business consultant, specializing in sales training, demand-generation planning and general business development of information-technology VAR's. (Value Added Remarketers)

54. I have hypertension; controlled with medication.

55. I still have all my teeth, thankyouverymuch.

56. I love camping - the real thing; getting away from absolutely everyone.

57. I don't fish or hunt. I don't figure there's much challenge in killing something that sees in monochrome, would drink out of a toilet, and which I can buy at the grocery store for far less.

58. I make the best damn steak in the country. Ask anyone.

59. I think Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and a dozen others I haven't named are cocksucking sons-of-bitches. Now, ask me, and I'll tell you how I *really* feel.

60. Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies VanDerRohe, John Yeon and the rest of the modernist architects were geniuses. Modernism is the highest expression of American architecture.

61. I can cross both my little toes over the next ones.

62. I hate pot-pies.

63. My sister is a Fundie. She's married to a Fundie. He beats their kids to 'keep them out of hell'. This bothers me like I can't tell you.

64. I have a humidor full of Cuban cigars. They're my one real vice.

65. I collect red wine. SuperTuscans and specialty wines from here in the Northwest.

66. I don't purchase meat which originated in factory farms. That's how I roll.

67. I dream in color.

68. I got to pilot a minisub once. That was pretty cool.

69. I make a killer mushroom and cheddar omelette.

70. I also make a damn good Eggs Benedict (the secret is knowing how to make Hollandaise)

71. My barbecue-sauce recipe is *the best*

72. My online name means "Celestial Navigator". Yes; I can navigate. Learned how from my Dad.

73. I have a 12" Meade telescope. Yes; it's computer controlled, and it was expensive as hell. I still love to watch the stars, though - have since I was a kid. Some guys buy Harleys; I buy 'scope parts and related gear.

74. Well, that, and guitars. I have twelve of 'em. My favorite is my Rickenbacker 340 12-string.

75. Yes, I have a Marshall Stack. Have to, with a Rickenbacker.

76. I grew up in a small town in rural Oregon, west of Portland. To this day, I'm not terribly fond of cities.

77. My favorite exercise is swimming and snorkeling.

78. I'm an early riser. 6:00AM is late for me; if I'm up past 9:00PM, there'd better be a damn good reason.

79. I like to pick blackberries. I even make my own preserves.

80. I've a *killer* recipe for Russian Black Bread.

81. Most of my friends tell me I'm 'too serious' (whatever the hell *that* means).

82. I don't have any children. I did, however, sell my 'stuff' one summer to a local fertility-clinic which was starting out. Kept me from having to get a job between my undergrad and master's program.

83. My father was a USAF Colonel; my mom was a nurse. (Mom used to say that the first she ever saw of my dad was his butt....)

84. I've a season-ticket to the Oregon Symphony; something I've done since 1990.

85. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, I volunteer at one of two homeless shelters. I don't do 'dinner' during that time; I think the practice is obscene.

86. I've been banned from Portland's only speed-dating venue. (Hey. I was more or less dragged there by a good friend. He knows better now. "Will - you're not supposed to see how many heads you can fuck with - it's about meeting someone....")

87. I'm a sucker for homemade pizza.

88. I make my own Caesar-salad dressing.

89. I'm a homebody - I seriously like doing laundry.

90. I used to raise peacocks. They're far more loyal than dogs, and far less messy -plus, they eat bugs.

91. I've won three blogging awards and been nominated for two more. (Guess *someone* likes what I write; huh?)

92. I slept in a fallout shelter during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Dad built it the year before.)

93. It was my Dad who taught me to fly.

94. I played bagpipes at my Dad's funeral. Mom willed her body to science.

95. I have 20-05 vision.

96. I'd really like to own an Amphicar. The idea of driving off a dock and into the water is appealing for some reason.

97. My first car was '59 Dodge convertible. I thought more of that car than I did most people.

98. I grow most of my own produce. I can tomatoes in August. Heirlooms; a specialty....

99. No, you're not going to learn when I first kissed on a gal; when I first had sex; or any of that other stuff. That's for me know - and me to know.

100. I'm done now. Yayyyyyy!

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